The Decision is Yours
But what Happens next?
“There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter … and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magic mental activity … it is called DECISION” – Bob Proctor
It’s not clear though which comes first, the decision or the choice? For some it’s the choice to decide and for others the decision to choose.
The reality is though, you and I can make as many decisions and choices we like but they are a waste of energy unless we do the really important bit, without which despite the decisions and choices and all the goals and objectives we may have set ourselves, nothing happens, nothing can be achieved. We, you and I, have to take action!
There’s no way round it, because if we don’t, someone else will. Other people will ‘seize the day’ while we procrastinate and ‘leave it until tomorrow’. The opportunity, the window, will be gone and we’ll lose a little bit more of our personal control over our lives.
Again, I’m not talking about any form of political or revolutionary ‘mass’ action. I’m talking about the ‘little’ things- personal change of habit, communicating with someone, making those seemingly small changes in our lives we decided and chose to make. It’s not about attempting to ‘change the world’ or the country we live in or protesting about what ‘they’, the powers that be, are up to. It’s about focus on ourselves, about being ‘self-ish’, not at the expense of others but purely for our own benefit and control of our overall lifestyle.
At some level or another you and I possess some amazing management skills but they are usually directed at managing a ‘business’ or maybe ‘the home’. What very few people seem to do is apply these brilliant management skills to themselves.
As far as I’m aware no University is offering a degree like ‘Master of Personal Life Administration’ like the popular MBA degree for management of corporate business and why is there no degree in the management of life?
People show up on social media claiming to have been educated at ‘The University of Life’ – I’m afraid it’s wishful thinking – there is no such University, not even a school. Certainly, we learn a lot as we progress through the years, some much more than others – but if you and I desire true personal freedom and control we have to make a stand and get organised. Not against anything but for ourselves, for who we are, who we really are; and after seven decades I now believe I understand what this really means.
‘Life Management’ is more, much more, than a skill, it’s really a ‘way of life’ and I’ve learned from a long list of ‘learning experiences’ – otherwise known as mistakes – and from a long list of people I’ve encountered, some known and ‘famous’ and some who few people have ever heard of, how it all ‘works’.
I’ve founded The Freedom Academy to help and show people how to gain their own personal freedom and control, based on their passions in life, and decentralise as far as possible from the social and cultural environment we live in, by which I mean refuse to be controlled and manipulated by others.
Some things, like the planet itself, we have to depend on and have little or no control over (whatever some people may prefer us to believe). But for others, governments, global corporates and such like we can develop ways of managing our lives which limit, circumvent, and possibly eliminate the control they wish to exert over us. Over the next few weeks I’ll suggest, explain, and describe more. Join me on this ride – you may be surprised.
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There’s no charge for any of this and it gives you access to knowledge and information about how we, you and I can start to make this happen for ourselves – increase the control we have over our lives, reduce the power others have over us and begin to find, fund, and feel our own freedom.
What Is The Freedom Academy?
The Freedom Academy provides coaching, therapy, and learning. We have lots of resources you can use and will be holding many evets you can attend. Our learning and coaching programmes span three levels: ‘Learning’ (the basics), ‘Development’ (advanced level) and ‘Transformation’ (the ‘graduate’ level). In other words, the ‘what’, the ‘why’, and the ‘how’ of life.
You can join on a ‘one-off’ basis taking one programme at a time, or you can become a member when you’ll get a set of programmes and resources available to you depending on your level. Even when you just register for free you get access to parts of the Academy.
Our mission is to free you from the constraints of the third dimension and introduce you to what you can achieve in the fourth and fifth and beyond. We’d love to have you on board.