The Creators
Getting Things Done
This final group is really made up of the people who ‘get things done’. The creatives, the people who think constructively, and those who are at least somewhat aware of who and what we are. Generally, one way or another, these are the ones who ‘make things happen’. (Rather than just talking about it).
The ’seekers’ are always looking for ‘the answers’. Some of them might be ‘scientists’ who start with a supposition or hypothesis as to what the answer to a particular ‘question’ might be and through a process of experimentation attempt to discover some level of truth. They aren’t to be confused with those paid to use a similar process to ‘prove’ some pre-defined ‘answer’ or theory given to them by someone else to give it credibility with a ‘scientifically proven’ tag. These folk belong to the ‘workers’. True seekers only accept answers which can be replicated by others possibly using different methods.
Close to the seekers are the ‘fixers’, the inventors and the engineers. Instead of answering a question directly or from scratch, they find a way around it by making things work properly or creating entirely new approaches. One way or another the fixers take a situation, physical, social, mechanical and so on and mend it, or replace it with an alternative in a ‘hands on’ way.
The ’observers’ actively watch and listen. They also comment but unlike the talkers go on to the next step and create something to enhance their commentary, observation or appreciation of a situation. What they create may take physical form put is essentially a repurposing of energy. Artwork, video, writing is light energy, music and speech, sound energy, and any other type of design which can be perceived by our senses (which are simply energy receptors). The observers transform the energetic impulses they receive into different impulses for others to enjoy.
The next group are perhaps a combination of all of these. They are who I call the ‘builders’ or the entrepreneurs who put things and ideas together to make a whole – an enterprise – greater than its parts. They take multiple entities and develop a vision of how they can work together and then proceed to expand and develop this vision into a reality. Often these are the ones who, working with the seekers and fixers, conceive and implement better ways of doing things.
The ‘leaders’ will enter this question and answer process at any stage. They are the ones who bring everyone together and inspire them to do what they do for a common cause developing a sense of purpose within the enterprise and empathising with those who are really doing the ‘work’ or ‘business’ whatever group they may be in. Leaders help to ensure things get done for the benefit of all. Contrary to popular opinion they don’t have to be really good or expert at the matter in hand such as being the ‘best’ engineer. What they do need to be good at is ‘leading’ which requires an overall appreciation of the ‘big picture’ and the detail of whatever is going on at any time and making short and long term decisions about what to do next and how and when things get done – and then inspiring everyone involved to get on with it!
There are a few ‘others’ who don’t really fit in the main groups I’ve discussed. The ‘individuals’ are those who choose not to ‘fit in’, who dare to be themselves, which may or may not be to their advantage. They shift from group to group as transient members when they feel called to do so and can be in any of them and more than one at any time being capable of filling generally any role they choose.
The ’aware’ are those who tend to spend their time on a fifth dimensional level, one step removed from the physical third dimensional day to day world. Operating mostly above the fourth dimension of thought they are adept and powerful at managing energy and often appear as healers, mediums and teachers of spiritual matters and may seem to have ‘magical’ powers sometimes including significant longevity. They don’t tend to get involved in ‘everyday’ activities or any of the groups described.
This has been by no means a comprehensive list. Carl Gustav Jung, with whom I started, came up with another list of twelve types similar to these and not necessarily in line with his four major personality types, and which I may come back to another time.
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Problem Solving and Opportunity Development
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