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The ‘Secret’ of Creation

Why ‘The Secret’ isn’t the whole story and what to do about it

When I first heard Mary Morrissey at an event in Los Angeles state “everything is created twice” I was somewhat perplexed.

She went on to explain everything we create in both the physical realm and the intellectual starts first with a thought or an idea.

As thoughts and ideas arrive with us from higher dimensions (the 4th to 6th) what we do as physical beings is transform them into third dimensional reality.

Napoleon Hill famously stated “whatever man can conceive and believe he can achieve” (excuse the early 20th century masculine context).

This is a long standing theme but what does it mean in a practical third dimensional context?

Consider the chair you’re sitting on. Certainly it was created, manufactured, put together, but in the beginning there had to be a design, a drawing or computer image, probably both, and they came from the ‘first’ creation of the object.
It came from someone’s thoughts, from their ideas. It was first created in the mind and then in physical form.

There is a common misunderstanding, promulgated by the book and movie ‘The Secret’ about the ‘Law of Attraction’. The movie implies all you or I have to do is ‘think’ about something and it will just ‘happen’. This is also the understanding many people have about the idea of ‘manifestation’ but it doesn’t work like that!

It’s not automatic. To make anything that you or I ‘conceive and believe’ happen we must take action!

Also, when we put any kind of ‘pressure’ on achieving our concept, such as a target of some kind, it falls into a bath of treacle and slows down. Not to say it won’t happen just the more pressure we apply the longer it will take.

It’s all very well my saying we have an idea and then turn it into a physical object or a life situation by taking action, but what is the ‘action’ we need to take?

It’s something many people have trouble with because they don’t really understand what it means.

In his mind Adrian Newey, the most successful designer of Formula One racing cars over several decades, can ‘see’ the air flowing over the surfaces of the car and then adjust them accordingly. He ‘visualises’ the complex airflows, the control and adjustment of which is essential to improving the performance of the car.

To turn our first creation, our idea of the lifestyle we would love to live or something more mundane, the secret link between the 1st and 2nd creation is visualisation.

Here’s the thing, this isn’t necessarily about ‘seeing’ things. If you’re a visual person (in NLP terms) perhaps you will, but you may prefer to write down your ideas in terms of a vision or speak them if your learning preference is ‘audio’.

I learned this technique from Matt Boggs, of Mary Morrissey’s Brave Thinking Institute, who calls it’ The Time Machine’ and Phil Olley who I referred to last time who calls it ‘Fast Forward’.

I won’t go into the details here but it’s quite simple, but you have to have the courage to do it as it works best if you share it with someone else.

You can find it in the Freedom Academy as a video clip from a presentation I did at the Best You Expo at London Olympia early in 2019.

Visualisation is the link to turn in your ideas into action using the goal setting system I described last time in my ‘Seagulls’ message. Of course, if you’re not clear how to do this or want help I’ll be happy to discuss it with you.

That’s just one thing; earlier I said this evolution from thought to form isn’t automatic, but you and I must be careful.

Our subconscious mind, where all the ‘first creations’, the ideas, are stored is very tenacious and if you come up with ‘negative’ ideas it does sometimes open situations, especially if you think about negative possibilities too much, when they begin to ‘manifest’ sending you down a path you don’t want to follow.

Be careful what you wish for or even contemplate happening because it may well do so.

Having said that I wish you well in your endeavours in implementing your ideas, your ‘first creations’. Use the techniques I’ve suggested over the last few weeks and “Make it So”.

If you’d like to discuss this please do book a call with me free of charge


My Purpose is: through the value I provide using my skills, knowledge, experience, creativity and intuition –
to help you progress, achieve your goals, and get what you want in life.
to help you – move forward, escape, and progress on your personal journey and enterprise.
to help you move closer to an understanding of who you really are and who you will become
My Core Values
keeping promises I make to myself and others, giving full value in what I do, helping others get what they want in life, speaking the truth as I see it, making a difference one step at a time.