Imagine . . .
You may not be aware of this, but you and I have ‘superpowers’.
You and I have powers seemingly beyond those of other inhabitants of this planet we live on.
There is a small amount of evidence that some cetaceans and primates and possibly some ‘lower’ forms of life may also possess some of them or something like them but really, no-one knows.
But all humans possess them.
The thing is that although most people use them, very few make best use of them, or worse employ them as a hindrance rather than a help to their lives.
Some people it seems, never use all of their powers at all.
One of these powers, that you and I do use and that most other people use most of the time, is our first superpower – imagination.
Every time you and I have an ‘idea’ we use our imagination.
First to ‘conjure up’ that idea and then to ‘test’ it – to ‘imagine’ what would come about if we took hold of that idea and turn it into reality.
(If you’ve read Steve Neale’s ‘Monday Motivation’ this week you’ll understand what most people, sadly, do with their ideas.)
But there’s a problem.
“How hard can it be?” – “What could possibly go wrong?”
Two questions regularly used by Jeremy Clarkson in his car shows, but as you might expect he uses those questions in quite a different way to how most people interpret them.
You see, most people will use their imagination superpower to imagine all the things that could possibly go wrong with their brand new idea, and to imagine how difficult it would be to bring their idea into reality.
Anyone who is a fan of Clarkson’s shows will, however know that what he means is more along the lines of ‘forget about any potential problems, let’s just get on with it’.
Our imagination superpower is a two edged sword.
Most people are highly proficient in exercising the ‘downside’ of their imagination, for evidence all you and I need to do is (if we can bear to) read the popular press or watch or listen to the ‘news’.
Those in the public domain who actually exercise the ‘upside’ of this superpower and predict positive outcomes are quickly ‘shouted down’ by those who can only see the ‘dark side’ of anything that is happening in the world.
Isn’t it interesting that the media always emphasise ‘bad’ news which is then surrounded by advertising for products and services that purport to ‘make everything better’ for those who take up their offers?
So notice what you’re noticing.
When we imagine outcomes that are negative in any situation what you and I are doing is programming our minds to accept those potential negative outcomes.
When we find ourselves doing that we need to stop.
“Always Look on The Bright Side of Life”
The closing song of Monty Python’s Life of Brian movie is what you and I should be doing with our imagination superpower.
Instead of imagining what could possibly go wrong, you and I must focus on the benefits we will achieve by putting our ideas into practice, and instead of preparing our minds for ‘failure’, look forward to ‘success’.
Of course, sometimes, you and I do have a ‘bad idea’, but when we imagine the ‘best outcome’ that idea will be transformed into a ‘good idea’ or discarded.
“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”
Napoleon Hill sums it all up.
Our imagination superpower conceives an idea, you and I then build on that idea by imagining the positive outcomes of that idea and building our belief in its achievement.
Oh yes, and Hill makes it quite clear that it’s our mind that is doing all this. Once our concept has been achieved in our mind, only then can it be created in ‘reality’.
Because everything is created twice and its our imagination, yours and mine, that is the primary creator.
You and I have to imagine something first before it can be made real.
Just imagine . . .
Imagine a great week – and make it real.