Thanks for the Memory
Everyone has memories
You and I can remember good things and not so good things from our past.
But did you know that we remember everything?
Everything that we’ve ever done, ever said, ever felt, ever heard, ever tasted, ever been – everything.
Trouble is though, that we have significant difficulty accessing it!
How many files, documents, photos and so on do you have on your computer? Probably hundreds of thousands, possibly millions.
Do you know what’s there? Do you know how to find it?
All of it?
Probably not, and the brain, which is far, far, more powerful than any computer, is the same.
Everything is filed away neatly in an archive deep in the subconscious mind – seemingly lost forever.
Until one day when a specific memory will suddenly pop up.
A memory that you’d ‘forgotten’.
But it comes back in vivid HD quality colour and surround sound, and sometimes the smells, the tastes and the feelings come back.
Seemingly out of nowhere.
We’ve devised and built computers which can do some things quicker than our brains can and maybe find things quicker and do a lot of technical and exciting ‘good stuff’.
But as yet, they can’t think for themselves and they can’t retrieve ‘memories’ – files or data – unless we instruct them to and also help them find where it is.
Computers after all can only do stuff that humans have programmed into them – well up until now anyway.
Long ago, if we could ever indeed do it, we lost the power to easily recall all our memories.
Speculating, I would imagine that it was because we didn’t really need to, and that if we could we’d just go into total overload.
Just like the concept of telepathy where everyone can hear what everyone is thinking.
You know, like Facebook, or WhatsApp or Twitter – only a billion times more!
But those memories are all there, thought filed away until such time as it becomes relevant again.
Which it does.
Those ‘old’ memories can help us out from time to time.
The ‘bad’ memories can stop us making the same ‘mistake’ or getting into the same bad situation again, and the ‘good’ memories can remind us of our purpose, help us make the ‘right’ decisions, and of course make us happy.
Now that’s all very well and we don’t need to know ‘how it works’ – but have we really harnessed the power of memory?
Because we’re only ‘looking back’ – we consider ‘memory’ to be something to do with the past and exclusively to do with the past.
We create new memories every day and we file them away the next morning as ‘yesterday’.
But as you and I know, not only is there no such ‘thing’ as time, but also time is not ‘linear’. When we think, the thoughts we come up with most often bear no relation to time.
We can ‘think’ or visualise the ‘future’ – we can create a vision of what we would like our life to be.
We can ‘dream’.
Now there’s the paradigm – the paradigm most people have that dreams never come true and that they, and visions are just fantasy.
The subconscious works by using memories as a ‘test’ of what’s going on and generates thought which become feelings, which generate actions that cause results.
So what if you and I could create ‘future’ memories about some aspect of the life we would love?
Well, we can.
In three steps.
Start with a vision and break it down into specific goals. Goals we believe we can achieve even though, right now, we have no idea how.
Next get really, really clear on each goal – one at a time.
And I mean clear. We must have absolute clarity about each of our goals including all the senses, especially how we feel as that goal is achieved.
Anything that isn’t absolutely clear about the goal will cause resistance to its achievement. (this is the hard bit by the way)
And it’s really important to write this goal down (that’s by hand, on paper) and word it in the present/past tense at the point of achieving that goal.
“Today I achieved . . . [the goal] . . .”
If you use the future tense this won’t work.
The third step is to turn that statement of achievement, along with all the feelings and senses associated with it, into a ‘memory’.
Go past the goal to – “I remember yesterday when . . .”
Now fix it in your mind and reinforce it by regularly reading what you’ve written.
The memory thought will then be planted in your mind.
Now here’s the thing. The subconscious doesn’t like inconsistencies.
It can’t cope with them.
That ‘memory’ isn’t correct, doesn’t ‘compute’.
So what happens?
Your subconscious mind does everything it can to make that ‘false’ memory real.
To show you a way to achieve that goal in reality.
It works.
I know people who’ve done this, especially with small distinct clear goals.
That’s the secret – keep it simple.
Simple and absolutely crystal clear what is was you felt and sensed when you achieved that goal.
Your mind thinks it’s happened already, so it has to happen.
I’m off to clarify my goals