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Get in Your Time Machine and Go!

How to use the Time Machine to ‘Fast  Forward’

As I explained in my ‘Secret of Creation’ article everything is created from thought, but also belief with faith in a proactive way or in an accidental way from the things we think, say or imaginally visualise.

The key word here is everything. Things don’t just ‘happen’, there’s no ‘external force’ or ‘higher power’ making things happen or come into being – it’s just ‘us’ and what ‘happens’ is a result of this collective thought. ‘We’ manifested it, ‘we’ conjured it up. not one entity ‘at the top’, it was the collective ‘us’.

Whatever situation we’re now in isn’t something we specifically ‘asked for’ but the result of masses of jumbled up thoughts, desires, wishes, prayers and imaginations coming together to create it, as well as ‘influencers’ ‘facilitating’ the circumstances we find ourselves in from time to time.

Every element of any situation has some good in it for some people although the overall effect for everyone may be counterproductive.

Whether it’s war, change of government, climate evolution or a ‘pandemic’ it’s the ‘accidental’ result of the way people are thinking or being manipulated into thinking through the negative impact of ‘social’ and ‘mainstream’ media in all their forms – in short, ‘too much communication’!

It’s often “I asked for this and am grateful for it, but I didn’t ask or wish for that, or that, or that!”

How do we resolve this?

‘We’ as a collective don’t know what ‘we’ would wish to happen should the current state of affairs be ‘reversed’ or we have differing intentions, dreams and visions that are likely incompatible.

The only thing we can do is craft our own personal future – just you or I, no-one else. We cannot ‘decide for others. We have different timeframes for what we want.

Let’s start the ‘time machine’ and get out of here.

Will this ‘work’? Yes, but only if you believe it will and there is a ‘catch’. You see, saying to yourself “Well, I’ll give it a go and see what happens” isn’t going to cut it. You must truly believe and keep faith it does work, no ifs, no buts, no ‘how’ or why, just plain simple belief and faith – or ‘blind faith’ if you prefer.

This is the process I outlined in my article ‘The Secret of Creation’. There’s a video in The Freedom Academy, but it was part of a presentation and only described a much shortened version of how it’s done. Here’s what you do.

First: allow yourself 5 to 15 minutes in the environment you find most productive for writing with a blank sheet of paper and a pen/pencil. Do NOT use a keyboard or screen of any kind, this must be done manually.

Second: set a timeframe, usually 3-5 years, and then perhaps 1 year and 10 years, you can do each on separate occasions if you wish. Set your date in the ‘target’ year as today’s date.

Third: Write out by hand in the present tense what you are experiencing in your life at the time you’ve chosen starting (this is important) with the words “It is [dd-month-yyyy] and I am so happy and grateful now . . .” Think of these words as a ‘magic code or switch, don’t leave it out or change it. Then let the words come to you, as you write.

Stay away from the detail and positively avoid any consideration of ‘how’ what you are describing may have come about. Stick to what you are experiencing in this future time. Take care to avoid slipping into the future tense “I will be” while you are writing this.

Next: Find someone you trust to ‘just listen’ without questioning or objecting. It’s a good idea to work with someone else who is doing the same exercise at the same time.

Stay in the present tense – it’s still the future year you’ve chosen, read your statement aloud to your ‘partner in believing’. They don’t need to ‘do’ anything, just listen.

Then: Come back in the Time Machine’ to the now. If two (or more) are carrying out this exercise congratulate each other and celebrate having designed your future.

Finally: Review the statement monthly to reinforce your intention. You can use the process described in my ‘Seagulls’ article to craft plans and action to bring about the ‘C Goal’ you’ve just outlined.

You have a choice: do this with full belief and make it happen, or just ‘go with the flow’ wondering what’s happening now and what’s going to ‘happen’ next, which will of course be based on what ‘other people’ have envisaged.

Do you want to be the creator of your destiny or be part of theirs?

As usual if you need help or want further information just contact me.

If you’d like to discuss this please do book a call with me free of charge


My Purpose is: through the value I provide using my skills, knowledge, experience, creativity and intuition –
to help you progress, achieve your goals, and get what you want in life.
to help you – move forward, escape, and progress on your personal journey and enterprise.
to help you move closer to an understanding of who you really are and who you will become
My Core Values
keeping promises I make to myself and others, giving full value in what I do, helping others get what they want in life, speaking the truth as I see it, making a difference one step at a time.