Finding the Way
Before Christianity was ‘rebranded’ by Paul (formerly known as Saul of Tarsus), the Jewish sect who followed the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth were known as, and called themselves, followers of ‘The Way’.
This of course was ‘the way’ to a better life, to a life they would love to live, and although this was perceived to be an ‘after-life’ these teachings were, and remain, valid as a behavioural code and set of universal ‘laws’ – including the much maligned ‘Law of Attraction’.
(You’ll find it in Matthew, chapter 7, verse 7)
All other religions have pretty much the same code and laws, albeit interpreted and put across in different ways.
And, in essence, these are the same frameworks used most coaches today whether they be working in the sport, business or ‘life’ coaching sectors.
Indeed, you could consider Elders, Priests, Imams and Gurus also to be coaches – spiritual coaches perhaps.
What we do, because you and I all perform some coaching functions, even if only within the family, what we do is to endeavour to help people improve.
To improve their physical performance, their business performance, their spiritual understanding, their nutrition, their relationships and their life as a whole.
We help people to achieve the life they would love to live – their idea of ‘heaven on earth’ in whatever context is relevant to them at the time.
Now many people don’t really understand what religion, or sometimes even faith, is all about. They dismiss it as nonsense, some benign form of occultism, or a way of ‘controlling’ the population. (Which admittedly it has been in the past and regrettably still is in the present in some instances.)
There are two things that most people have a problem with, and this includes many people who do consider themselves religious.
One is the need to attend regularly, whether it be Synagogue. Mosque, Church or Temple. “Surely we don’t need to go every week?”
The other is this concept of ‘worship’. “Why should we have to ‘bow down’ to this entity that we can’t see – especially when things aren’t going well for us?”
Unfortunately, the rituals that have developed in most religions tend to provoke this question, but the thing is that ‘worship’ is all about gratitude, and the Law of Gratitude is absolutely fundamental for anyone who wishes to achieve the life they would love to live.
The various forms of worship the exist throughout the religious communities are all about giving thanks to the higher power, about expressing joy and gratitude about who we are, what we have and the world we live in – however ‘bad’ things might seem at any one time.
Remember, there is always something to be grateful for.
But what about ‘regular attendance’?
You and I cannot learn anything or fully understand anything by reading a book once, by attending an event once, by going on just one training course.
That’s called ‘shelf development’ and it doesn’t work because of something called the Ebbinghaus effect. We lose the ability to consciously fully recall a learning experience within a few hours.
One exposure to knowledge alone will probably result in a retention of less than 10% in the long term – it may be still there in the subconscious, it’s just that we can’t get at it.
The religions understood this fairly early on. Repeated exposure to the teachings the codes and the laws is essential to ensure ‘permanence’. Which is why followers go to their ‘places of worship’ on a regular basis.
These two concepts, gratitude and regular engagement are also fundamental in the ‘’secular world’ and no-one can achieve the life they would love to live without taking them on board.
But unless someone has a great deal of discipline, will, and time, this is very difficult to do alone.
To find our ‘Way’ to achieving the life we would love to live, you and I need teachers, mentors and most of all coaches, to provide knowledge, guide us, and help us be accountable to ourselves.
As evidence, it’s interesting to note that all ‘top performers’ in sport, in business and in entertainment have coaches, often more than one covering different aspects of their lives. (You’ll find that most ‘A’ list celebrities have life coaches.)
Having a coach is not an admission of ‘failing to be able to do it by yourself’, but a recognition that you are really prepared to do what it takes and invest your resources in achieving that vision of the life you would love to live.
It’s important to find a coach or coaches you relate to – it’s not a ‘yellow pages’ exercise! Most coaches hold live events (usually half a day or a full day) where you can check them out look at their approach, and see if there is likelihood of a ‘fit’.
So, if you don’t have your own coach yet look out for these and take the time to attend a few – and if you like what you see go for it – engage a coach!
Find your Way.