The Paradigm Paradigm
‘Paradigm’ is one of the most misused words in the language, especially in the field of personal development.
Its main definition – although there are many others is, according to Wikipedia:
In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
There are several other definitions, but they seem to have some things in common deriving from the original Greek meaning – pattern, example, sample.
Some people see a ‘paradigm’ as an example, usually some sort of model of perfection. Manufacturing and construction companies have used it in their branding.
Other people see it, especially in linguistics, as a means of comparing samples, a sort of database with a set of criteria against which things or concepts can be compared
In personal development and related philosophical discussion paradigms are seen as frameworks of thought patterns and concepts that have a significant influence on how we behave and the choices we make
In this sense, paradigms often get mixed up with beliefs, in particular limiting beliefs, and because of this many people in the personal development field insist – or preach – that you and I should get rid of our ‘paradigms’.
Trouble is, that without paradigms, without patterns of thoughts and concepts we’d cease to function altogether.
What we should be doing is to change or ‘upgrade’ our paradigms – or at least, as we do with our computers, conduct routine maintenance and put in protection against unwanted paradigms coming in.
We need, from time to time if we don’t do it continuously, to undergo a ‘paradigm shift’.
This term was coined by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn as “a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline”.
Two centuries earlier philosopher Immanuel Kant had described the concept as “revolution of the way of thinking”.
Which is what Bob Proctor explains in his ‘Paradigm Shift’ seminars along with many other personal development speakers and writers.
But why do you and I need to continuously upgrade or ‘shift’ our paradigms?
Why do we need to revolutionise our way of thinking?
Here’s the thing – our paradigms add up to create our beliefs.
Our Limiting Beliefs that prevent us from taking certain actions or making certain choices and our Enabling Beliefs that cause us to take certain actions and make certain choices.
There is often some confusion between the two!
Or in summary – I can do this, but I can’t do that.
And that individual set of beliefs goes to make up who we really are.
And that’s great until we become uncomfortable with who we really are.
Until we are minded to be something, or someone, different.
A little different or a lot different.
We start to visualise ‘something else’, something more, something less – whatever, because we are no longer happy or comfortable with who we are right now.
Now visualising a different ‘you’ or ‘I’ is fine.
When were were kids they called it ‘daydreaming’, ‘they’ being whoever it was who told us to ‘stop daydreaming’.
It’s when we decide to move on to the step that follows visualisation that things start to get ‘difficult’.
It’s when we start to actively imagine what we just visualised, that the paradigms start to kick in.
They say – ‘there’s no point in your taking that car for a test drive because you can’t afford it’, or, ‘you’re no good at doing this or that or whatever it is you want to do, so why bother?’ or ‘who do you think you are wanting to do that?’
And so on.
But you and I have a ‘secret weapon’ that we can use against out limiting belief paradigms.
It’s our feelings.
When we actively imagine a new situation, a different way of being who we are, and inject strong feelings – albeit imagined – into the exercise, they block the paradigms.
And if we notice them trying to break in all we need to do is to tell them to ‘get out of here’, or perhaps use stronger language!
Once we get through imagining – feeling, and ‘being’ what we visualised, that’s when the ideas come, that’s when the intuition kicks in, that’s when we start to think ‘what if I did this or that, what if I took such and such an action?’
Of course, the paradigms will come back, and probably bring ‘reinforcements’ – so we just repeat the process to defeat them.
And by the time you and I actually get to the point of choosing to act on our intuition and ideas we’ll be experts at telling the paradigms in no uncertain terms where they need to go.
That’s how we get from visualization to reality, and the clever thing is that once we set out on the journey through imagination, our limiting paradigms and beliefs will reveal themselves.
And when they do that you and I can hit ‘delete’.
Meanwhile why not run a scan – just like you do on your computer, for viruses, malware, adware, and just general clutter that you don’t need any more.
You’ll find a few things that you’re aware of – ‘I don’t like (or can’t do) this, that or the other – and do some work on eliminating them.
Many are ‘hidden’, and you may need outside help to identify and remove them, but you can make a start.
Here’s a question.
What things do you know about you that really annoy you or upset you or inhibit you?
Make a list, there are probably more than you think!
Now set about upgrading them to perform a different role in your life – enabling rather than limiting -or removing and replacing them.
There are four sources of paradigms or thought/concept frameworks. These are
- Your current life in terms of things you have done or thought,
- Your current life in terms of what has been going on around you including what has been said by the people you associate, the media and advertising
- Your ancestral DNA memories
- Your past life influences
The first and some of the second can be dealt with by your own self-analysis, the second by current life regression especially through RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), the third by a technique known as ‘Family Constellation’, and the fourth by a process called ‘Soul Realignment’. RTT can also be effectively used through a process called RFPI to remove or upgrade your way of thinking.
Please contact me if you’d like more details on any of these – book a Clarity Call at